Pauschale Wanderwoche - Bleib 7 - Zahl 6

Blick auf den Mondsee vom Schafwerg aus

Hiking-marvel-enjoy with the Wolfgangseer hiking ladies

Enjoy seven full days at the price of six and explore the Salzkammergut region on foot with backpacks and regional delicacies. The offer includes three half-day hikes with the guidance of one the landladies of the “Wolfgangsee Wanderdamen” including a ferry ride and a culinary stop.

The inclusive breakfast in our hotel will prepare you for the hiking ahead.

Exploring nature can be so beautiful! Details at:

Included in the offer

  • 7 nights in a  doubleroom
  • with breakfast


  • 1 post hiking packbag


  • 3 half-day hiking with one of our  hiking ladies
  • inclusive ship or transfer and snack


Ambiance Weißwand 15.09.2024 - 20.10.2024 7 nights € 655,00
Ambiance Wolfgangsee 15.09.2024 - 20.10.2024 7 nights € 655,00
Ambiance Postgeschichten 15.09.2024 - 20.10.2024 7 nights € 655,00
Ambiance Nannerl 15.09.2024 - 20.10.2024 7 nights € 795,00
Ambiance Wolfgangsee Famliy 15.09.2024 - 20.10.2024 7 nights € 795,00
Ambiance Wolfgangsee de luxe 15.09.2024 - 22.10.2024 7 nights € 795,00

Prices are per Person excl. visitor’s tax.

*Arrival  SO / MO / TH / FR / SA possible 

Further information

Details | Pictures "Wanderdamen": Copyright Foto Hofer
Visitor’s tax € 2,10 per person and night / 01.06.2024  € 2,50 per person / night 
Free use of our Panorama Sauna, with views over the rooftops of St. Gilgen.
Dogs are welcome: € 28,- per animal and day, not including food
Seminar rooms for up to 80 people